Forums - Blackheart infinite needed Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Blackheart infinite needed ( Posted by Gene Splice on 07:22:2001 04:02 AM: Blackheart infinite needed How do you do the blackheart infinite? monkey if you're there.... Posted by GeekBoy on 07:22:2001 04:07 AM: j.HK, air dash F or B, j.HK, repeat. Posted by DeAdLy_EdGe on 07:22:2001 11:46 PM: the opponent has to be in the air to do this Posted by JaHa on 07:23:2001 06:05 PM: or sj hk dash hk Posted by Raver_x_Rocker on 07:23:2001 06:07 PM: or this one keep them in a corner jump hk jump hk and send out either dr doom assis or ice man assis to chip them out thatswhat i do LOL@!!!! Posted by unknown shadow on 07:24:2001 05:24 PM: Blackheart infinite needed you could set it up with cycke's AAA Posted by unknown shadow on 07:24:2001 05:31 PM: Blackheart infinite needed when you start the infinite dont you have to sj to start it Posted by Terazon on 07:27:2001 02:44 AM: BH has 2 infinites I'm aware of. =Infinite 1= This is the common infinite. 1]Make contact with a superjump hk on an airbourne opponent or use Cyc-B on them to set this superjump hk up. 2]Airdash in the direction you're most comfortable 3]Hk again that hits, land, 4]superjump, Hk, airdash Hk, guide yourself,land, 5]repeat step 4 indefinitely. -I like once I've eased into it to whiff the first hk for meter and hit with the second one. =Infinite 2= This one is from 1]jump,2lk, land, hk cancelled to a... 2]superjump, extremely low airdash, 2lk, land, hk 3]repeat step 2 indefinitely. If timed right you hit within a tenth of a second of the demons hitting making mashouts difficult if not downright impossible. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:37 PM. Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.